Sax & The City Ladies Night

This is an ode to our favorite TV series for Tuesday Ladies Night

Flexible cancellation available

GÜLTIG BIS 1 January 1.

Offer benefits

A 3 course-set dinner inspired by the all-time-favourite American TV Show featuring Pizza, Lean Brisket, Mini-Hot Dogs, Carry’s fries, and of course Miranda’s, I Love You Cookie! The dinner is paired by 3 cocktails of choice inspired by each character and of course… Cosmopolitans!

AED 99 unlimited grape I AED 160 3 course set menu + 3 S&TC inspired cocktails or grape

Every Tuesday, 7pm onwards

DJ & Sax Player 


For more information or reservation, please contact us:

Tel: +971 4 519 1111


Terms & condtions