Talise Ottoman Spa Offers

Enjoy exclusive offers at our renowned Talise Ottoman Spa

Flexible cancellation available

GÜLTIG BIS 1 January 1.

Offer benefits

Embark on a journey to tranquility at the award-winning Talise Ottoman Spa where luxurious surroundings transport you effortlessly to pure relaxation. Our offers have been crafted to help you realise well-being all through the year. 

Holistic Ottoman Massage

A harmonious fusion of techniques inspired by traditional Turkish massage, this 90-min relaxing treatment includes long fluid strokes to relax the muscles, kneading to release deep-seated tension, and gentle stretching to promote flexibility and mobility. 

Price: AED 845 + value added tax

Revitalising Turkish Hammam and Massage

The experience commences with a gentle and rhythmic express hammam using a traditional kese glove to slough away impurities and promote skin cell renewal. A blend of aromatic oils is carefully selected for their therapeutic properties and applied to dry skin as the therapy transitions into a harmonious fusion of traditional massage & stretching techniques to relax the muscles and release deep-seated tension and promote flexibility and mobility. The experience concludes with heated packs and a revitalizing head and scalp massage, a gesture of care and attention that bestows a profound sense of relaxation, promoting mental clarity and tranquility

Price: AED1,000 + value added tax


Family Revitalising Spa Package

Available from Sunday to Saturday

Unwind as you introduce your little one to world of aromatic scents, healing crystals and a relaxing experience at Talise Ottoman Spa. Enjoy a spa bonding and memorable moments with us as you and your precious one choose from our exclusive selection of treatments that will release tension and rejuvenate the body.

Tranquility moments with Mom or Dad

-  45 minutes/AED 880

Soothing freestyle massage uses Lavender oil that can assist in relaxation, channeling of emotions, energy and eases muscular pain and tension.

Radiance Facial with Mom or Dad

- 45 minutes/AED 880

Using chemical free products from Australia, this gentle facial entails cleansing, light exfoliation and a relaxing face massage that naturally hydrates and brings back the skin’s radiance and glow.

Bubble Bath with Mom or Dad

- 45 minutes/AED 675

A therapeutic warm bath that relaxes the body and promotes a good night sleep. 

Ladies Spa Night

Available every Monday from 17:00 onwards (AED 715 per person)

Enjoy a ladies night out at the spa and indulge a 45-minute signature Hammam treatment followed by a 60-minute body massage and complementary spa refreshments. Also, receive a gift to take home with you.

Gentlemen's Night

Available every Wednesday from 17:00 onwards (AED 715 per person)

Gentlemen, we present the most important appointment of the week: every Wednesday, give yourself the treatment you have earned. First, revive your body with a 45-minute signature Hammam treatment, followed by a 60-minute body massage and then appease your palate with refreshments. Also, receive a gift to take home with you.

Discover Arabian Essences

Monday to Friday from 09:00 onwards (AED 750 per person)

Enjoy a day of well-being inclusive of beach and pool access with essential oil treatment experience at the Talise Ottoman Spa.Culminate your experience with a lunch at our beachside BoHo family restaurant at Zenzi Beach or dinner at our authentic Lebanese restaurant, Al Nafoorah.

For more information or reservations, please contact us:

Telephone+971 4 453 0455+971 4 453 0456


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