A Culinary Journey to the South of France

Elevated French dining by Chef Kim Joinié-Maurin

Flexible cancellation available

VÁLIDO HASTA 1 January 1.

Offer benefits

Located at the poolside of Jumeirah Al Qasr, French Riviera transports guests to the glamorous Côte d'Azur every day. Carefully crafted by culinary pioneer Chef Kim Joinié-Maurin, diners can indulge in an array of signature dishes.

Offer: Seven course festive set menu with additional wine pairing option
Timings: Available daily
Price: AED 600 per person | AED 400 wine pairing per person

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For more information or to make a reservation, please contact us: 

Jumeirah Restaurant Reservations
Tel: 800 323232
Email: restaurants@jumeirah.com

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