STACKLA social media rights management for Jumeirah Group Social Media campaign
In these terms and conditions, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
“Affiliates” affiliated companies of Jumeirah Group within the Jumeirah Group International group of companies
“Content” the photographic image, including individuals in the photograph; the name, pseudonym, likeness, social media channel ID profile name and picture of the Contributor: and any express acknowledgement contained in, on or below the photographic image.
“Contributor” the person identified as the creator of the photographic image and/or the person giving permission to Jumeirah Group to use the photographic image.
“Purpose” internal and external, marketing, advertising and communication activities in connection with the brands of Jumeirah Group.
1. By completing and submitting the online response @Jumeirahgroup and #JumeirahFamous, the Contributor agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions governing the use by Jumeirah Group or its Affiliates of the Content for the Purpose.
2. If Content made available by the Contributor is selected, the Contributor agrees and acknowledges that the Content may be displayed or appear on websites and social media channels of Jumeirah Group and its Affiliates. The Contributor agrees and acknowledges that other users will be able to view, and have access to, the Content and will be able to elect to share the same via social media sites (including, but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram etc.)
3. The Contributor grants Jumeirah Group and its Affiliates an irrevocable, royalty-free, non-exclusive, transferable, worldwide right to exploit, reproduce, represent and adapt the Content, including, without limitation for the Purpose as follows:
4. The Contributor represents and warrants that:
5. The Contributor understands that Jumeirah Group is not obliged to use or continue to use the Content and that Jumeirah Group has the discretion to immediately remove the Content without prior notice to the Contributor.
6. Without prejudice to clause 5, the Contributor Content shall not be used or may be immediately removed, without prior notice to the Contributor, if any Content, in the reasonable opinion of Jumeirah Group:
7. All information is subject to change and is correct at the time of drafting.
8. The Contributor acknowledges and agrees that Jumeirah Group and its Affiliates has no control over, and shall have no liability for any damages resulting from the use (including without limitation, re-publication) or misuse by any third party of information voluntarily made public through any use of applications, social media channels and/or websites of Jumeirah Group and its Affiliates. If the Contributor chooses to make any of their personally identifiable information or other information and/or the Content available for use by Jumeirah Group and its Affiliates, they do so at their own risk.
9. With the exception of personal data all Contributor Content will be treated as non-proprietary and non-confidential and may be made available to the general public and used by us without restriction.