Cedar Brunch by Al Nafoorah

From the heart of Lebanon

Flexible cancellation available

VALID UNTIL 1 January 1.

Offer benefits

Take a trip to the heart of Lebanon every Sunday at the Cedar Brunch by Al Nafoorah. Recalling lazy afternoons spent with the family and good-hearted vibes, the weekend brunch is the perfect place to be. 

  • Price: AED 350 per person inclusive of soft beverages, AED 450 per person inclusive of house beverages, AED 550 per person inclusive of premium beverages, AED 175 for kids between 5 - 12 years old, AED 150 for shisha 
  • Entertainment: Live Kanoun player
  • Time: Every Sunday, 1pm - 4pm

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The à la carte menu is also available for those who prefer to choose dishes individually.

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